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Version of Python Programming Language

Before we can start Python programming, we must choose which version of Python we want to program with. We need to work on a version that makes it easier for us to work with Python in the future. And much faster we can develop our software.

There are a total of three versions of the Python programming language:

  • Python 1
  • Python 2
  • Python 3

Python 1:
When Python programming was first released, the version of Python was 0.9.0 (February 1991). At this stage, the Python programming language had classes, inheritance, exception handling, functions, lists, dictionaries, strings.
And after many updates, the Python programming language was released in January 1994 with version 1.0. The main new features included in this release are functional programming tools lambda, maps, filters. This is where the journey of Python 1 begins.
The last version was Python 1.2 in 1995 when Van Ross was at CWI. Van Rossam continued Python's work at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) in Reston, Virginia, where he published several editions. Python 1 ended its journey in 2000 with Python 1.6.

Python 2:
Python 2.0 was released shortly after the end of Python 2.0 in October 2000. And introduces us to SETL and Haskell in List Comprehension and Functional Programming Languages. The last version of Python 2 is now Python 2.7.18 (April 2020) with a series of updates since 2000. And this is the last version of Python 2. After that, no version of Python 2 will be released.

Python 3:
Python 3.0 was released on December 3, 2006. And Python 3 is built to be much more compatible with Python 2, and Python 3 is much easier to implement than Python 2. Python 3 is built in a very different way from Python 2. There are many functions that work completely differently from Python 2. Python 3 eliminates many of the functions that were used in Python 2. In a word, Python 3 has completely changed the world of programming. Hundreds of developers have been captivated by Python 3's amazing library. The last version of Python 3 is currently released in December 2020. Python 3.9.1. And Python 3 will probably surround the next programming world with a touch of modernity.

⭐ Now the only question we have is, which version of Python will we work with or which version will benefit us the most in the future?
To see the answer to this question, I have made a video for you. And by watching this video, you will fully understand or know which version of Python you will benefit from starting your programming in the future.


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