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About Me

My name's Marjuk Ahmed Siddiki. I recently completed a BSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Daffodil International University. I have completed SSC and HSC both are from science backgrounds. I am multilingual. I can speak Bangla, English, and Hindi.

I'm looking for a beginning position where I can expand and explore my software and technological skills obtained over the previous four years at Daffodil International University. I enjoy learning and improving new and existing techniques.

My hobby is programming. In my career, I want to be a programmer. I have knowledge of data structure, algorithms, and different programming languages. Like c, c++, java, and python. And I know also the markup language Html etc. Now, I'm working on technologies like machine learning, neural networks, and computer vision.

Personally, I am a very kind and creative person. I like to do my work on time. I am always hopeful and confident in my life.

And I follow just one line - "Learn something every day".


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